Quebec Day 20

Start: Saint Sauveur
End: Mont Tremblant
Mileage/cumulative: 47.74 / 818.22
Elevation Ascended/cumulative: 1,388’ / 30,145’ 
Weather: Start – Sunny 50 degrees / Finish – Sunny 62 degrees
Flat tires (entire group) day/cumulative: 0 / 6

Nothing improves the mood like a sunny autumn day spent riding 45 miles on a bike trail.

The P’tit Train du Nord is a 124 mile recreational trail that runs through the Rivière du Nord valley. It was originally a railway line operated by Canadian Pacific Railway until the 1990s, when most of it was dismantled and eventually converted to the existing trail.

This was the first of two full days on the P’tit Train du Nord. Day 21 promises to be even better, with 75+ miles on it. Ahhhhh….

The photos speak for themselves…

A group photo at the first of many train stations along the P’tit Train du Nord.

We even found hot bowls of soup and nachos along the P’tit Train du Nord!

5 Replies to “Quebec Day 20”

  1. Everyone looks very happy in the first picture. I am you got a break from the steep inclines and crazy motorists from yesterdays ride. It’s nice having a beautiful trail all to yourselves. The fall colors are so pretty in these pictures.

  2. Beautiful pictures and a great day! The ups and down of bike riding!
    Mom with love !

  3. The colors are outstanding! I think when you get home, I will be in Vermont. Hoping the timing is good for color there.

  4. The scenery is just outstanding and man, I want some of that soup !! Bosco also doesn’t like inclines lol

  5. Am now caught up on both days. The good, the bad and the ugly. But at least you’ve had good eats all along the way. You are both doing great with commentary and photos!

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